ACT Scores for the Class of 2012 Released Today

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction released state and district-level ACT scores today for this year's graduating seniors.

In Guilford County Schools (GCS), 746 seniors took the ACT, a college admission test that predicts student readiness for college level work in English, reading, mathematics, science and writing. Their average composite score was 20.5 on a scale of 1 to 36, as compared to the state average score of 21.9 and the national average score of 21.1.

Nationally, ACT estimates that about 25 percent of test takers are ready for college in all four subjects. GCS students exceeded this percentage in all four subject areas, but scored lower than the state average. Based on the district's composite score, ACT estimates that 26 percent of GCS students are college ready in all four subjects as compared to 30 percent of students statewide.

"In many ways, the results confirm what we already know and are already working on as part of our current strategic plan and in response to the Broad audit last year," said Superintendent Maurice "Mo" Green. "Many of our students are performing extremely well and are well-prepared for college. We are also doing a much better job of graduating students from high school.

"We believe the focus on the new Common Core State Standards and other work already underway to increase academic rigor, improve instruction and raise expectations for all students will make more GCS students ready for college level work. We also anticipate that these areas will remain a focus in the new strategic plan, which launches in January of 2013."

ACT uses the following scores to estimate a students' readiness to tackle college-level work: 18 on English, 22 on mathematics, 21 on reading (for social science), and 24 on biology. GCS and state scores in the four subject areas are as follows: English (19.3 for GCS, 21.0 for N.C.); mathematics (21.1 for GCS, 22.3 for N.C.); reading (20.7 for GCS, 22.2 for NC); biology (20.2 for GCS, 21.4 for N.C.).