Board Approves Salary Increase of 1.2 Percent

For the first time in more than three years, all Guilford County Schools (GCS) employees except one will see a 1.2 percent salary increase for the 2012-13 school year. At its meeting on Tuesday, the Guilford County Board of Education approved the raise for all employees except Superintendent Maurice "Mo" Green, who has consistently declined a pay increase.

The board's action followed the approval of the state budget earlier this month, which authorized the increase for all certified and classified employees funded with state money. The board approved the use of $1.25 million in local dollars to extend the raises to locally funded employees as well. The pay increase will become effective as of July 1, 2012.

The school board also approved the release of $1.14 million to restore teaching positions to 23 schools that would have been affected by proposed a 0.25-student class size increase. That amount is equal to $49,467 per school, the average salary for a single teacher.

The board will have the opportunity to review and approve a final budget at its next meeting on Thursday, July 26.