Weekly Announcements 3/12/23

Posted by Aislynn Denny on 3/12/2023

Good Evening Tiger Families, this is Principal Chase Arrington at Western Guilford Middle School with announcements for the week of Monday, March 13th – Friday, March 17th.

8th Grade will participate in a field trip to the International Civil Rights Museum Tuesday, March 14th. Students received permission slips last week. Please sign and have students return permission slips Monday, March 13th. If you have questions, please reach out to Assistant Principal Ms. Richardson.

We will have our monthly Parent Teacher Organization Meeting Tuesday, March 14th at 5:30pm in the Media Center. Please join us as we have discussions about end of year activities and events.

Wednesday, March 15th we are asking all students and staff to participate in wearing green to support the Sandy Hook Say Something Program.

We are excited to begin Spring Sports this week. Track & Field will have a meet against Southern Middle School Wednesday, March 15th at 4:45pm. The location will be at Southern High School.

We will host our first Baseball and Softball games Thursday, March 16th against Southern Middle School at 4:45pm. Please come out and support your Tiger Athletics.

We will have our Annual Career Day March 17th.We are seeking volunteers to share their knowledge of their career choice and the industry you work today. If you are interested or know someone interested in participating in our Career Day, please share the link. You may also contact Ms. Roslyn Miller at the school.

Link:  https://forms.office.com/r/qePYYY9Bdr

A few reminders and updates:

6th Grade will have dance hosted by PTO Friday, March 24th from 6pm – 8pm. Students are eligible to attend if they do not receive ISS or OSS between February 27th – March 24th.

The end of the quarter is Thursday, March 30th.

Thank you for all you do to support Tiger Nation! Have a wonderful week!

Career Day Flyer

WGMS March Calendar