How do I log in to Destiny and what can I do while logged in?

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If you're on your Chromebook, simply login to Clever and select the Follett Destiny Discover app. If you are on another device or not logged in for any reason, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on "Log In" in the upper right corner
  2. Students' Username is their Student ID # (their lunch number)
  3. Students' Password is their birthday (mmddyyyy)
    1. For example, if a student's lunch number is 123456789, then this would be their username. If their birthday was July 14, 2011, their password would be 07142011

If you are logged in to Destiny, then you may access certain features such as checking out or returning eBooks, placing a hold on a book that is currently checked out, or adding a book we do not currently have to our Wish List, and write reviews for books you've read (super helpful!). 
