- Guilford County Schools
- Staff
Employee Self-Service
** Contract Employees and Long-term Substitutes must see their Department Chair or Principal to request an email/computer login account
- Employee Services (Paperless Pay Stub)
- Look up my CEU (Current employees use this link instead of Employee Self-Service)
Employee Training and Professional Development
Administrative Resources
- Electronic Purchase Requisition
- Mileage Reimbursement
- GCS Brand Resources
- Principal Portal
- School Break Checklists
- Travel Tracker
- Weather Threat Assessment SURVEY
- Weather Threat Assessment EXCEL REPORT
- Emergency Closing Flowchart
Curriculum Resources
- Discovery Education
- DPI-Curriculum
- Employee eBookshelf
- K-5 Report Cards
- Performance Matters - Assessment
- PowerTeacher
- Teacher Supply Warehouse
Human Resources
- Human Resources Department
- Information for Current Employees
- Employee Handbook
- EMPLOYEES - Frontline Education (formerly AESOP)
- SUBSTITUTES - Frontline Education (formerly AESOP)
- HR Intranet
- NC Education Directory
- Social Media Guidelines
- Employee Recognitions
- Employee of the Month - Nomination Form
- Volunteer of the Month - Nomination Form
Technology Services